Friday, October 24, 2008

My house 10/24/08

Hi all,it's still me.
This has been sort of a strange week.Last Fri. I had to see an eye specialist because I've been having trouble with blurry vision in my left eye.He told me I had had an "eye stroke".I don't exactly know what that is but it sure sounded scary.At least it scared me.He told me there wasn't anything to do but come back in a month.If it got any worse I was to call them and go in for some laser treatment to stop the bleeding in my eye.
Ok, I don't wait very well under the best circumstances, so after thinking on it and talking to some friends ,I decided to call for a second opinion.I got into see Dr Sumsion first thing today.GEE!There is something to try.I don't know if it'll work but I'm willing to try.Trying is almost always better then doing nothing.
On to some other stuff.Today is my grandson Tanners'7th birthday.I think I'll get to see him tomorrow.He's so cute and such a boy.He's really big for his age and trys to do all the stuff his big brothers do.I don't get to see him nearly enough.We went to pizza for Tanners B-day on Sat.He was all about his toys.[Why do kids never change]He ate his pizza and then we had cake.Man was it ever good.
I brought Derek and his friend Micheal home with me.They stayed in the tent out in the yard.They are both looking for work and trying to be grown up at the same time.Both of them are broke so they're saving money by staying in the tent at my house, Dereks house,Micheals house and their girl friends house.They are no longer asking for rides.Now they ride their bikes everywhere.
W it's Oct.28 and I've been in to see Dr.Sumion.they put some florescent stuff in my veins and took about 100 picts. of the inside of my eyes.It was very cool.The picts. showed there was;Branch Retinal vein Occlusion, in the left eye.That's good cause it might be fixable.He put steroids in my eye.It didn't hurt and I didn't flinch.Going in I was afraid of having a shot in the eye.No problem.I couldn't feel the shot and he put it in my eye off center so I couldn't see it coming so I didn't jump or close my eye or anything.
It's really amazing what we can learn every day.I now know that there really isn't anything to worry about.
My eye is a little burny tonight but not even bad enough to make tears.My vision seems to be getting back to my normal blurriness,so at least I'm used to that.
Derek and Micheal are still looking for work and they re starting to get some responses.Hopefully they'll both have jobs soon.
Well that's about all for now.
Take care.

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