Monday, June 23, 2008


It's me.
Today is Mon. June 23, I think. We left Bishop and headed a little n.e. because Death Valley was TOOOO HOTTTT! We chose ELY Nv. because of the cooler temps. Ely was great. 42 in the morn. It was great to be cool when we got up in the morn. Ely is on Hiway 6 and 93.

Yesterday morn. we left Ely for Hoover Dam ,sort of by LAS VEGAS. Guess what? 112 when we got there about 5pm. This wouldn't be a problem any other time, but our generator decided not to work. We were able to get about 5 min. of air conditioning at a time every 45 min or so. Needless to say we were a little hot by the time we arrived in Las Vegas.

I decided to stop in Vegas to try to fix it. [larger town] As soon as we got here, the boys helped set up and then I sent them to the pool where they were until about 9pm.

They did sooo well in the heat. I heard not one word of complaint from either boy. I'm soo proud of them, because I was getting Very upset with the generator. While the boys were at the pool, they met a very nice young man from N.Y. He made a couple of suggestions as to what might be the problem. This morning when I can make some noise we're going to try them before we call a mechanic. Hopefully one of them might work, cause I don't want too continue on until it's fixed or replaced.

We're also making decisions about which way to go from here. We could do Grand Canyon now and go south later or back to original plan, south then east then north. I'm in favor of south get the hottest part of trip out of the way. Oh well we'll talk more about it today.

I think I forgot to mention it's to be 116 here in Las Vegas today.

Take care and we'll talk again later


1 comment:

Imstell said...

Gotta love that heat. Tell Ben I'm proud of him for not complaining!!!