Hi everyone,it's me again.
I've been busy trying to figure out what comes next.
I don't have any thing to get ready to go,I don't have the boys to wake up in the morning so we can get on the road to our next stop.
It is getting easier though.Yesterday I was very busy taking care of the stuff that didn't work on or in the mohome.I took care of the Dish Network that didn't work on the whole trip.I went to Best Buy, with my camera that wasn't working right the last 3wks.I also contacted my motor home insurance com.about the damages and and I got ahold of the police department in Virgina City to get police report and the towing company so I can turn in my claims.
I think we did pretty good,for going as far as we did. I only had to be towed 1 time and we only had to loose5days on repairs.That's not bad for a trip that long and a 20yr.old motor home.
My bucket list included a couple things I wasn't able to complete on the trip.One being a zip line another white water rafting.I'll probably think of more later.
I'm sort of thinking about maybe finishing that up.I found a zip line in Oregon and I can white water raft up there too.This may be my next adventure.
In the mean time I may try something else to keep me busy.
Well that's about it for today.Talk to you later.
Take care.
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