Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Home 8/27/08

Hi all,it's me again.
I have a news update for everyone.
Ben was climbing a very large oak tree down the street from his house yesterday after noon. I guess the rope was tangled in a branch so he decided to climb the tree like Tarzan and make a jump for the rope.He had it all planned out.The problem was the rope was alittle further away then he thought.He missed the rope and fell several feet out of the tree.
He landed face first in the dirt. He tryed to break his fall with his hands and broke his wrist.He has to see a specialist in the next day or two.
I see a cast in his future.At least he doesn't live in our area,were it's to be 110 tomorrow,so the weather is cooler there 65.
Derek has been back in school for a week.He's doing ok.He worked yesterday and today ,with my neighbor.He's a contractor.Derek was glad for the work.He called me from the job site yesterday morning to let me know they were building a log cabin at the KOA campground in Mt. Shasta.
He should know how they go together after all the time we spent in KOA"S this summer.
Well,that's it for now.
Take care.

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