Hi there all.
As you know we had an appointment this morning with Johns Auto Repair.After they had the mohome for about 2 1/2hrs. They called me and said it was going to cost me $3200.He said it needs a fuel pump,because it was only putting out 2 and it should be putting out 7-9.I said ok.Then he said it needed new plugs and rotor and points I think.I said ok.Then he said they would clean all the gunk that the cheap gas caused.I said yes.Then he told me that both of the exhaust manifolds were warped and needed to be replaced.So I said ok.Then he told me that they would try to have it done by tomorrow evening.If it couldn't be done by then ,it would be Mon.So the boys and I rented a car and motel room.We just got into the room and Shaun from Johns called to say they can't get the exhaust manifold.They aren't even made anymore.They're [John's]is afraid to take them off to get some numbers,because they're too rusty and they [Johns]wouldn't be able to get them back on.All of a sudden the exhaust manifolds aren't nearly so important.Now it's ok to drive home with it that way.He said they won't hurt anything just be a little noisy.
We'll see how that is in the morning.And because they're not doing the manifold it's only going to cost me $1500.
Oh gee I'm so happy.
Anyway we'll be leaving Meridian in the morning.
It is a very nice town. Everyone has been very helpful and very nice.
We won't be able to make it to Medicine Lake,but that's ok ,we'll be heading toward Bend ,Oregon so we can meet up with Bs mom dad and little brother on Sunday.As long as we can there.
Well that's all for now.
Take care.
No picts. today.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
MeridianID. 7/30/08
WOOOOHHH!!!We made it to Meridian.There for awhile I had my doubts.
Hi everyone,
My good old mohome is not doing so well.We left Arco this morning and every thing was fine.About 2hrs. out the mohome started her afternoon routine.I put my foot on the gas peddle and she goes slower,take my foot off the peddle and we go faster.I did this for about 2hrs.By now she's going 45mph.and I'm getting very frustrated because we have a freeway coming up.Boise,ID.Not L.A. freeways but not good when you can't get more then 35 out of the old girl.I asked D to find us an RV park in a hurry.He did and it was only 3miles away.Following the signs of course I missed it and had to go around the block. When I got to the turn there was a mechanic right on the corner in front of the park.I stopped to talk to them and we have an appointment in the morning at 8am.
We also have an exhaust leak that has gotten really bad.That has to be fixed tomorrow.
I sure hope they can fix it tomorrow so we can get on our way. We only have couple more things to do before the reunion.One of the things is to go to Glass Mountain at Medicine Lake,in northern Calif.It's in the far north corner of Ca. and we won't have time after the reunion,because the boys have to go home and get ready for school.So it's pretty much now or never.
Well that's about it for now.
Take care.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Craters of the Moon/Arco 7/29/08
Hi, it's me.
We're in Arco Id.It has been a very windy day.I fought wind all the way from Victor to here.My fat ole arms are sort of sore tonight.Oh well at least I was able to drive this far.
B tryed all day to spot some wild life.I tryed to explain that the most he might see was a deer ,but he was convinced there were buffalo,elk and moose in these fields.That's ok,at least it kept him busy all day.I think the best he did was a few head of cows.At least he still believes.
It was really a pretty quiet day. When we got to the camp ground the boys got out the stomp rocket I keep in here for when any of the kids are with me.There were some other kids in the site across from us and pretty soon they were all playing.D took some video of B shooting the rocket with his bottom.I hope it will show and you can here the audio. It was very funny.
I'm also going to include some more scenery picts. and our latest state count.[We have eleven and two more to go.
That's all for now.
Take care.
Victor,ID. 7/28/08
Hi all, it's me again,
We are in Victor,ID.We made it over the Tetons at 12and1/2miles per hr.It's that afternoon thing.My poor mohome is just very tired in the afternoon and doesn't like the heavy work.Oh well I know the the feeling. I don't do my best work then either.
We left the West Yellowstone camp ground yesterday morning to see OLD FAITHFUL. oh boy did we see some stuff.We stopped at several Mud Pots and Hot Springs.They are so cool. B and D went for a swim in the river were the hot springs were draining and loved it.They were able to find some mineral rock from the hot springs.
When we got to Old Faithful you couldn't miss were it was.It's amazing how high it goes.It was beautiful and the boys couldn't believe how high it went.I think it goes up around 60 or 70 ft.Any way there must have been several thousand people there to see it.Then we all went to the gift shop at the same time.Boy,wasn't that fun.
We got back on the road and headed out of the park and into THE GRAND TETONS.They too are so amazing.They are so different from the mountains in Yellowstone.The mountains in Yellowstone are sort of rounded and worn. The Tetons are very sharp and jagged.Both are beautiful in their own way.
It seems one of the things we've learned on this trip is everything changes around every bend in the road.Life is sort of like that.
That's about it for now.
Take care.
We are in Victor,ID.We made it over the Tetons at 12and1/2miles per hr.It's that afternoon thing.My poor mohome is just very tired in the afternoon and doesn't like the heavy work.Oh well I know the the feeling. I don't do my best work then either.
We left the West Yellowstone camp ground yesterday morning to see OLD FAITHFUL. oh boy did we see some stuff.We stopped at several Mud Pots and Hot Springs.They are so cool. B and D went for a swim in the river were the hot springs were draining and loved it.They were able to find some mineral rock from the hot springs.
When we got to Old Faithful you couldn't miss were it was.It's amazing how high it goes.It was beautiful and the boys couldn't believe how high it went.I think it goes up around 60 or 70 ft.Any way there must have been several thousand people there to see it.Then we all went to the gift shop at the same time.Boy,wasn't that fun.
We got back on the road and headed out of the park and into THE GRAND TETONS.They too are so amazing.They are so different from the mountains in Yellowstone.The mountains in Yellowstone are sort of rounded and worn. The Tetons are very sharp and jagged.Both are beautiful in their own way.
It seems one of the things we've learned on this trip is everything changes around every bend in the road.Life is sort of like that.
That's about it for now.
Take care.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Yellowstone NP. 7/27/08
Hi all, it's me again,
We have finally made it to Yellowstone National Park.
I have discovered something in our extended travels.2/3 of the beauty is in the getting there.Some of the most beautiful country we've seen has come before we ever arrive at our destination.Isn't that amazing how the Good Lord did that?
The drive from Red Lodge to Yellowstone was amazing.We went over the most spectacular mountain I think I've ever seen. We zig zagged up the side of Beartooth pass.It was so beautiful to look almost straight down over 10,000ft.As we went over the top of the pass there were snow fields all over the place.I stopped and let the boys play in the snow for a few mins.Also to admire the view from up there.On the way down the other side it was just as pretty and just as different as the other side was.
Once we got to the Northeast entrance I asked D to start looking for a camp ground.80miles later and The West Yellowstone exit ,we found a camp ground.
On our way through the park we saw 4 herds of buffalo,some fantastic waterfalls,3 rivers and 3 mountain passes.And a partridge in a pare tree.HA HA!!If I hadn't been so tired I could have enjoyed it much more.
After we got to the camp ground we had Bs Birthday cake.Man was that ever good.The boys were messing around ,so I took some more picts.
That's about all for now.
Take care .
Red Lodge,Mt. 7/27/08
We're in Red Lodge,Mt.We left Broadus yesterday morning to get to Yellowstone before Bs' birthday.Well we didn't make it.But that's ok. I don't think he really cares that much.After Broadus we saw a sign for Custers battle field.So we went. What a sobering place.
This is the actual hills that Custer and his men were killed.Were many Indians were also killed.It was amazing to me how quite and respectful all the people were. There was no yelling from kids around the memorial.
It's one of those places you can feel the souls ,both Indian and White man.
We left the The Little Big Horn Memorial . I planned on the scenic route all the way,but the ranger said it has some pretty hi mountains and there's no Wal-mart between here and there.We had to have a Wal-mart,to get a cake and cards for Master B. It's his B-day you know. I now have an 18yr.old and an 8yr.old on this trip.
We went to Billings and found a Wal-Mart right away.We also were out of groceries.These 2 don't do well without food.
After Billings we started looking for a campground for the night. The Garmin sent us in a 10mile circle and right back to Wal-Mart and Dennys'.Anyway we get on the freeway and head west. We see a sign for a KOA in 69miles.Oh well,I'm not that tired.As we leave the freeway in 30mls.and see no signs for the KOA I tell D to find a campground on this road any were in front of us.There are none according to Garmin.Yellowstone here we come.At about 45mls.I see the good old Yellow TP of the KOA.I hit the left turn signal and the brakes at the same time.The poor guy behind me almost had a heart attack,I'm sure.Any way, we had been watching smoke over the ridge of the first mountain for awhile. It was already very large.I don't know this area at all so I had no idea were it was. I think it's between us and Yellowstone. I'll check before we leave this morning.
As always KOA'S are great. Lots for the boys to do. And mostly they're clean.
We had our second bon fire of the trip. We roasted melted marshmallows and had a good time.
It's about time for Mr. B-Day boy to wake up.
Take care.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Broadus,Mt. 7/25/08
It's me again,
We had no computer service in Boardus.So I couldn't yak with anyone.Any way we're further into Montana and I guess we have good service here.
We left Belle Fourche and headed for Yellowstone National Park.About 40miles down the road I saw the sign for The Devils Tower.When I asked the boys if they wanted to go they said sure,as always.We made the turn on hiway 112 south.About 40miles down that road we came to the turn off.It's only a couple miles on this road to the Tower.This Devils Tower is a volcanic core and stands almost 900ft. above the valley floor. it's really cool. Alot of climbers try their luck there.I guess they've had 3 fatalities while climbing and the last one was a couple years ago.[You wouldn't get me up there on a bet].Anyway we were there about an hr. and we headed back for hiway 212 to Yellowstone.I turned left headed back on hiway112 and started getting sleepy.I finally had to pull over to rest for awhile.When I woke up 1/2hr. later I got back on the road,only the road I was on was hiway 34 east.Oops,I think I might have missed my turn.Well I followed the road right back were we started from that morning,Belle Fourche.I already knew the way from there so I didn't even get lost this time.I was sure glad to get by hiway 112,cause then it was all new stuff.The first time we went through that part we saw lots of deer and antelope, the second time not so many.B was really bummed.
Well that's about all for this part.
Take care
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Belle Fourche,SD. 7/24/08
Hi all,
We're in Belle Fourche,SD.getting ready to go into Montana tomorrow.
We went to the Crazy Horse Memorial west of Mt Rushmore,this morning. It's going to be amazing when it's finished.I hope that B and D are able to take their children to see the completed project.This project is being done with no Federal or state money,and it's being done by one family,theKorczak Ziolkowski. He started it and then he got married and had 10 kids. 5boys 5girls.7 of the children are still working on it.He died in 1982 and his kids are finishing it.They depend completely on donations to keep it going.
We made our donation in the form of many souvenirs.
Any way we got to Belle Fourche and it was beautiful.A few very thin clouds.1hr. later there's black clouds every where and it starts to rain.mins. later we have thunder and lightning and a huge down pour.Most of the lightning and noisy stuff have stopped but the rain is still coming down.
That's about it for now. Take care.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mt.Rushmore,SD. 7/23/08
It's me again,saying hey from Mt. Rushmore,SD.
We finally got here and believe me, it was worth the wait.It's beautiful.
We left Rapid City this morning under partly cloudy skies.But not really looking like rain.We made a stop at a reptile farm or zoo or something I thought the boys might like.Surprise. I liked it too.We spent about 2hrs looking at alligators,crocodiles and snakes and some lizards.It was great.
After we left there we went straight to Rushmore.Oh my, you can see it from the main road before you even get to the park.The faces look big from the road but not nearly as big as they do from up close.I think the whole setting gives you a sense of "being an American and really proud of it".
When we got there B was starving,so we went in to the cafe for lunch.About half way through lunch it starts to rain ,in about 2mins. it starts to hail.The hail is pea to marble size.There's lots of thunder and lightning to go with it.After 10mins. or so the hail quits and it's raining really hard.After another few mins. it sort of stops raining again,so we decide to start the hike up the trail.We didn't even get down the corridor of flags before it starts to rain again.This time we went into the National Parks building to see the movie and read some history about the artist .We were able to find out allot.It stops raining again and we try again.This time it started to rain before we were even off the mezzanine.We talked it over and decided to give up the hike and go see Keystone, the little town before you get to Rushmore.Sort of a Gold rush town. After driving around for 20mins.we couldn't find any parking for motor homes,not because they were full,but because they have very little and what they have is torn up.So I gave up on Keystone and we headed for some cave.I made the turn and saw the sign for the Thunder Gold Mine.
We took a mine tour and the boys were able to pan for gold. There was even gold in their pans.I was impressed and they had a great time finding it.
We left the gold mine and headed for the KOA Kampground .Can you guess what it's called?Mt. Rushmore Koa Kampground.Oh ,you guessed it first.
I think we're heading for Sitting Bull and Custer NP.tomorrow,maybe.
That's about all for now.
Take care
We finally got here and believe me, it was worth the wait.It's beautiful.
We left Rapid City this morning under partly cloudy skies.But not really looking like rain.We made a stop at a reptile farm or zoo or something I thought the boys might like.Surprise. I liked it too.We spent about 2hrs looking at alligators,crocodiles and snakes and some lizards.It was great.
After we left there we went straight to Rushmore.Oh my, you can see it from the main road before you even get to the park.The faces look big from the road but not nearly as big as they do from up close.I think the whole setting gives you a sense of "being an American and really proud of it".
When we got there B was starving,so we went in to the cafe for lunch.About half way through lunch it starts to rain ,in about 2mins. it starts to hail.The hail is pea to marble size.There's lots of thunder and lightning to go with it.After 10mins. or so the hail quits and it's raining really hard.After another few mins. it sort of stops raining again,so we decide to start the hike up the trail.We didn't even get down the corridor of flags before it starts to rain again.This time we went into the National Parks building to see the movie and read some history about the artist .We were able to find out allot.It stops raining again and we try again.This time it started to rain before we were even off the mezzanine.We talked it over and decided to give up the hike and go see Keystone, the little town before you get to Rushmore.Sort of a Gold rush town. After driving around for 20mins.we couldn't find any parking for motor homes,not because they were full,but because they have very little and what they have is torn up.So I gave up on Keystone and we headed for some cave.I made the turn and saw the sign for the Thunder Gold Mine.
We took a mine tour and the boys were able to pan for gold. There was even gold in their pans.I was impressed and they had a great time finding it.
We left the gold mine and headed for the KOA Kampground .Can you guess what it's called?Mt. Rushmore Koa Kampground.Oh ,you guessed it first.
I think we're heading for Sitting Bull and Custer NP.tomorrow,maybe.
That's about all for now.
Take care
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Rapid City 7/22/08
Hi everyone,
First ,thank you all for the prayers for Ds' friend Chrissy.D received a call from Chrissys' mom this evening. It seems she regained conscienceness for a few min. said a couple words to her family and then she passed away around 6pm.
D is doing ok but it has brought several things home for him.don't get behind the wheel when you're upset or mad. the other thing is don't make fool choices when you're upset or mad.These are some of the hardest lessons to learn at any age.
Ok, on to some happier stuff.We left Kadoka,SD. this morning and headed for the Badlands and Mt. Rushmore.
Well, we made the Badlands ,they're beautiful.So many colors and shapes.Also it's so climbable. The boys spent more then 2hrs. climbing the hills and sliding into the gullies.Next time I'm making them take bread crumbs. At least I'll have something to eat while I'm waiting.All I could see was their heads every 15mins.or so.Oh well I did get them back eventually.
We left The Badlands National Park and headed for Rushmore.On the road from The Badlands ,we went over some rolling bumps.They're really cool in the mohome because it has air bags and the bags make the bumps soft and you tend to bounce way more then in a car.Any way after several sets of these bumps and me trying to slow down ,I heard a pop noise from the engine ,and all of a sudden the engine sounds changed.I asked the boys if they heard the noise and of course they did.I listened for awhile and decided something was wrong with the muffler or tail pipe.I drove to the nearest town and went to the first mechanic I could find. He said I was right and gave me directions to a muffler place. sure enough ,it had blown the seals on the drivers side and broken supports.
Mohome is all fixed again and we're trying for Rushmore tomorrow morning.[ I hope]
At least I didn't hit anything this time,to break the mohome.
That's all for now. Take care .
Monday, July 21, 2008
Kadoka,S.D. 7/21/08
Hi everyone,
We've made it to South Dakota.We are soo excited, Tomorrow we start into the Badlands and on to Mt. Rushmore. This is one of our most exciting stops. I've always wanted to see Mt. Rushmore up close and personal.I can hardly wait.
In the mean time ,since this was sort of a quiet day on the road, I thought I'd let you in on some of the stuff I have told you before.
Pictures speak louder then words,so here are a few pictures to show what I've done over the last 5 or 6 weeks.I don't think I did a very good job with the pictures,but I think you get the idea.
none of my mishaps did any damage to anyone or anything except my poor ole mohome.
The two worst problems are the Virgina City Jack,and the Dumont Mac Donalds Compartment Door.
Hopefully these are the worst of my problems and I pray that no one has any more problems then this.
D just got a phone call from a friends mother. Chrissy lives in Main and three days ago she was in a single car crash at 120 miles an hr. and she hit a tree.we need to keep this 19yr.old and her family in pray. She's in a coma.Just pray for Gods will.
Thank you all and we'll talk again soon.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sidney,Neb. 7/20/08
Hi all,
We're out of the elevation of Colo.Hooray for my team.Me and high places don't mix.Elevation cost me a river raft trip. I'm not a happy camper, but at least the boys had a great time.
Onward and upward.We made it into Nebraska today.We're just across the state line at the new Cabelas store and camp ground.The Cabelas store was sort of cool. They have anything and everything you can possible think of for hunting,fishing,camping,cooking and just plain being outside.
The temp out doors is around a 100.On one side of the mohome it's sunny and cloud free.On the other side it's black as a well diggers behind.I think the drivers side of the mohome is getting rain tonite. the passenger side is hi and dry.We'll see who wins.
The boys are in the bedroom playing a new hunting game from ,you guessed it ,Cabelas.
I'm hoping to reach So. Dakota tomorrow afternoon.We'll see.
Both boys are becoming quite good at photo composure and topic.These pics. were taken by both boys.
Anyway bye for now.
I'll talk to you later .
I'll talk to you later .
Take care .
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Gamblers Edge RV.Pk.Col. 7/19/08
Hi all,
Well today was the big horse back ride and white water rafting trip.The horse back ride was great.B didn't have to have anyone lead his horse.He was very happy and felt very grown up.D rushed to the lead of the line of horses when he discovered the owners 18yr.old daughter was leading the ride. They talked the whole trip.
I do believe it was a great ride.
After the ride I started feeling sick to my stomach.As in very sick.By the time we got to Mile High Rafting ,I wasn't in very good shape.I decided not to go rafting. Even as much as I wanted to. I slept most of the time they were gone and I spent a good share of time in the bathroom.[Really glad I didn't go]I still don't feel very good. I hope it will go away as we drop in elevation.That will be in the morning.We're heading to Neb.
I do believe it was a great ride.
After the ride I started feeling sick to my stomach.As in very sick.By the time we got to Mile High Rafting ,I wasn't in very good shape.I decided not to go rafting. Even as much as I wanted to. I slept most of the time they were gone and I spent a good share of time in the bathroom.[Really glad I didn't go]I still don't feel very good. I hope it will go away as we drop in elevation.That will be in the morning.We're heading to Neb.
When the boys got back from their trip they were oh soo excited. They had a great time.
I was excited because we got some great picts. They have photographers planted all along the river to get candid shots of the rafters.They did a great job. I bought the CD of all the picts.
Well that's about all for now.
Well that's about all for now.
Talk to you later and take care
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