Monday, July 21, 2008

Kadoka,S.D. 7/21/08

Hi everyone,
We've made it to South Dakota.We are soo excited, Tomorrow we start into the Badlands and on to Mt. Rushmore. This is one of our most exciting stops. I've always wanted to see Mt. Rushmore up close and personal.I can hardly wait.
In the mean time ,since this was sort of a quiet day on the road, I thought I'd let you in on some of the stuff I have told you before.
Pictures speak louder then words,so here are a few pictures to show what I've done over the last 5 or 6 weeks.I don't think I did a very good job with the pictures,but I think you get the idea.
none of my mishaps did any damage to anyone or anything except my poor ole mohome.
The two worst problems are the Virgina City Jack,and the Dumont Mac Donalds Compartment Door.
Hopefully these are the worst of my problems and I pray that no one has any more problems then this.
D just got a phone call from a friends mother. Chrissy lives in Main and three days ago she was in a single car crash at 120 miles an hr. and she hit a tree.we need to keep this 19yr.old and her family in pray. She's in a coma.Just pray for Gods will.
Thank you all and we'll talk again soon.

1 comment:

Imstell said...

Give Derek a big hug for me. Will certainly pray for Chrissy. Give the poor old Motorhome a bit o' Premium too. Poor thing is looking a little worse for wear.