Friday, July 11, 2008

Paria Outpost 7/10/08

Hi All, It's us again.
We didn't make much progress yesterday.I only drove about 50miles.But at least we got out of Az. Even though we loved it there and the people and scenery were great.
We were headed up hiway 89 and we were looking for some place to eat lunch.We passed a restaurant that had a b.b.q going. It smelled so good,that I stopped in the middle of the road and started backing up.Luckily there was nothing behind me. I backed up for a quarter mile before I got to the driveway.We pulled in and the stupid place was closed.[there oughta be a law]But after carefully looking around for food I saw a sign that read"horseback riding and camping"
This is the perfect place for us.We drive in and it's like being at home.The people at Paria Canyon Adventure Ranch were GREAT. Mary,Lizzy,Hal,Kathy and Aden,made us feel soo at home.They put us in a camp site,let the boys do pretty much whatever they wanted.[Played pool, hiked,danced,played in water, played with puppies,met lots of people from other countries,and most important they got to go horseback ridding]They cooked us the best steak dinner we've had on the trip.IT WAS A GREAT EXPERIENCE.I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM to anyone traveling on hiway 89 in Utah.They have cabins,rv sites and tent sites.
Anyway we left OUR favorite camp ground so far, this morning and headed for The Arches National Pk.Durango,Col.Then on to Pagosa Springs and Denver.
We are really liking these unscheduled stops. They seem to be the best.
Well that's aout it for now .

Take care and be careful


Imstell said...

Awesome pictures. Ben's horse was purtiest!

whenypoo said...

YEEEEEHAAAAA Head em' up and move' out. Great pics. Love an miss you all.